Surely you guessed it.

One day we may share with you the perfect banana recipe once we’ve tested a few and found it  🙂

Please do not take the advice listed before.  This is what you should do instead:

  • for Good Hygiene ensure you have washed your hands thoroughly and tie long hair back so it is out of the way
  • avoid Cross Contamination and never use anything that has come into contact with raw poultry
  • ensure your food preparation surfaces have been wiped clean first and put cleaning products safely away
  • smoke alarms should be checked that they are working and tested at least once a month
  • fire doors should not be wedged open and should be kept closed
  • when preparing food for others check that you have an understanding of allergy awareness.

Make sure you have consulted the right professionals to walk you through the correct Health and Safety requirements.

Here at Harrier we offer that.

Don’t be a fool contact our team who will answer most queries on Health and Safety –  https://harrieruk.com/contact/