Safeguarding Policy

Statement of commitment for Safeguarding


1. Harrier UK Ltd policy statement

1.1   Harrier UK Ltd believes in the inherent rights, freedom, dignity, and equality of all people including children and adults at risk.

1.2   It is Harrier UK Ltd policy to create and proactively maintain an organisational culture and operating environment which prevents and deters any action and omissions,  whether deliberate or inadvertent, that place children or adults at risk, at risk of any kind of abuse.

1.3   This statement acknowledges that Harrier UK Ltd promotes a duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and comply with best practice and any regulatory requirements where applicable.

1.4   We acknowledge that some children, young people and adults at risk, including those with a disability or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.

2. Commitment

2.1   All those who work for or who are associated with Harrier UK Ltd.’s work are expected to promote, and where appropriate provide mechanisms to include, the voice of children and individuals at risk as part of creating a safe environment.

2.2   Additionally, they are explicitly prohibited from engaging in any activity that may result in any kind of abuse. We will take positive action to prevent any individual’s intent on abusing becoming involved with Harrier UK Ltd in any way (see Safer Recruiting Procedure), and will not tolerate abuse in any form.

2.3   It is the responsibility of all those working on behalf of Harrier UK Ltd to raise any concerns they have, or concerns which are reported to them, according to this policy.  Harrier UK Ltd respects, and will work to strengthen the culture, traditions, and practices of the communities in which we work. However, in instances where cultural practices are harmful we advocate for their elimination.

2.4   It is Harrier UK Ltd.’s policy to comply with legislation in all operating jurisdictions whenever it is safe to do so. This includes local and international child welfare and protection legislation. However, sometimes our policy and procedures may differ from local laws and may have more rigorous expectations. The requirements of Harrier UK Ltd.’s Safeguarding Commitment and Guidance are in addition to any other applicable legal requirements. Any violations of this policy will be treated as a serious issue and will result in disciplinary action being taken, including termination and any other available legal remedy.

2.5   This safeguarding commitment applies to anyone acting on behalf of Harrier UK Ltd in any capacity including (and not limited to), employees, partnered organisations, consultants and other key stakeholders.

2.6   Harrier UK Ltd is committed to safeguarding all people we engage with through our work and takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, harassment, and sexual exploitation and abuse.

2.7   Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility in Harrier UK Ltd, but we recognise that senior leaders have a particular responsibility to set the tone and culture of the organisation to ensure best safeguarding practice is expected and is at the core of Harrier UK Ltd.

2.8   Every individual has an equal right to protection from harm regardless of their gender,culture, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.

2.9   Every individual has a right to have their voices heard and their views should genuinely shape and influence how we work.

2.10   All adults have a responsibility to respond when they are concerned that a child, or adult at risk, may be at risk of harm.

2.11   Anyone that reports a concern regarding a colleague in good faith will be protected under the Harrier UK Ltd Whistleblowing Procedure.

2.12   Safeguarding concerns will be managed through a robust and transparent process.

2.13   Information will be managed confidentially (according to our data protection procedure) and only shared without consent where the duty to protect children, or adults at risk, from harm supersedes an individual’s right to privacy.

2.14   Safeguarding decisions will be made in a timely manner and should not be subject to unnecessary delay.

2.15   Anyone working on behalf of Harrier UK Ltd will be subject to robust safeguarding recruitment checks for which they are eligible (see Safer Recruitment procedure).

2.16   Anyone working on behalf of Harrier UK Ltd or contracted to Harrier UK Ltd will receive safeguarding training appropriate to their role and responsibilities.

2.17   Serious breaches in this policy, the Harrier UK Ltd Code of Conduct and/or the further guidance contained in the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures may result in formal disciplinary action being taken.

3. Legislation and Guidance

3.1   Harrier UK Ltd operates globally and therefore is subject to multiple jurisdictions and legislation. The interpretation of the Harrier UK Ltd Safeguarding Guidance modules has been founded on The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child specifically Article 3- ‘the best interests of the child’ and Article 19- ‘protection from violence abuse and neglect’. Certain references are also consistent with UK safeguarding legislation and guidance including the Children Act, and Care Act in relation to adults. Each Harrier UK Ltd local team will adopt the principles of this policy and consider alongside regional and international legislation and guidance.

4. Review Schedule

4.1   This document has been approved by Harrier UK Ltd Directors on 14th October 2022.

4.2   This policy will be reviewed annually by the Harrier UK Ltd or when there are changes in legislation or as requested by the Harrier UK Ltd Directors due to practice learning.

5. Responsibilities

5.1   The responsibility for the updating and approval of this policy is assigned to the Harrier UK Ltd Safeguarding Lead.

5.2 The responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy rests with Harrier UK Ltd Directors.

6. Document Purpose

6.1   The purpose of this Safeguarding Commitment supports several key areas:
▪ Safeguarding Guidance
▪ Safer Recruitment
▪ Managing Allegations
▪ Whistleblowing Policy
▪ Sexual Misconduct
▪ Code of Conduct

6.2   The purpose of these is also to ensure that everyone, including Harrier UK Ltd personnel, does not experience harassment, abuse or any other infringement of their rights whilst acting in their role for Harrier UK Ltd.

6.3   Ensure that any adult or child we encounter through our work or connected to our work, does not experience any abuse or harm because of their engagement with Harrier UK Ltd.

6.4   Ensure specifically that the welfare of children and adults at risk, and all recipients of Harrier UK Ltd work, remains the paramount consideration in all aspects of this work.

6.5   Ensure all personnel understand how to implement good safeguarding practice in their role.

6.6   Ensure all personnel know how to respond appropriately where concerns arise about specific children, and vulnerable individuals.

6.7   Provide clarity about the process that will be followed when this policy is breached.

7. Definitions

7.1   Safeguarding – is a broad term that refers to all the policies, procedures, and actions that an organisation takes and puts in place to ensure that anyone working on their behalf, and anyone benefiting from the work they are doing, does not come to any harm, either intended or unintended, because of this work taking place. It includes both policies and procedures and the culture within the organisation that promotes best safeguarding practice.

7.2   Adults at Risk – risk/vulnerability is a changeable and contextual state but may include people with a diagnosed condition such as dementia or blindness, individuals with learning difficulties or literacy issues, or those who have a mental health condition such as severe anxiety or depression, or those in need of additional support whether or not this is provided through statutory support or not.

7.3   Child – anyone under the age of 18 years.

7.4   Child Safeguarding – refers to all the actions we take to keep all children we encounter safe. It includes the proactive measures we put in place to ensure children do not come to harm because of our contact with them.

7.5   Child Protection – refers to the actions we take when we have specific concerns that a particular child is at risk of significant harm.

7.6   Adult Safeguarding – refers to all the actions we take to ensure that any adults we encounter through our work, or who work for us or on our behalf, are safe.

7.7   Harrier UK Ltd Personnel – anyone acting on behalf of Harrier UK Ltd or any of its affiliated organisations in any capacity including (but not limited to), employees, volunteers, contractors, key delivery partners.

7.8   Dignity at Work – describes the right for everyone to be treated with respect in the workplace, as well as the duty of everyone to behave in a dignified and respectful way towards others.

7.9   Whistleblowing – describes the act of speaking out about certain types of wrongdoing at work which you believe to be in the public interest.

7.10   Harrier UK Ltd Safeguarding Team – is the Harrier UK Ltd staff coordinated by the Safeguarding Lead that will oversee the strategic implementation of Harrier UK Ltd safeguarding plan. This group will also manage any safeguarding incidents.


Our Safeguarding Lead Name: Helen McCabe Tel: 01332 460703

Our Safeguarding Coordinator Name: Jo Plant Tel: 01332 460703

Our Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator Name: Davina Rowe Tel: 01332 460703