What is wellbeing?

An Intro wellbeing

‘Wellbeing’ has become a big buzzword within workplaces over the past few years – especially in a post-pandemic society. But what does the term actually mean?

According to IOSH, one definition of wellbeing can be described as:

“An individual’s holistic state that encompasses both current mental and physical health circumstances based on influential factors”.

This would suggest that our wellbeing is not solely determined by one aspect (either mental or physical health) but is rather affected by a combination of influences within and outside of the workplace.

In a world where we are now increasingly aware of the importance of mental health and the effect it can have on our daily lives, the idea of coming up with a one-size-fits-all solution to increase wellbeing in the workplace can feel daunting.

However, once we become aware of the factors involved in optimising wellbeing for ourselves and our teams, we can slowly start to piece together the pillars required to create healthier environments within and outside of the workplace.

The vital elements included in encouraging wellbeing

Because the term ‘wellbeing’ can mean a variety of things to various individuals, companies often find it difficult to know how to effectively tackle this issue in a way that’s beneficial to all.

The ‘7 Pillars of Wellbeing’ are a great place to start for anyone looking to break down and understand this issue holistically. Each of these pillars are dedicated to a contributing factor that can affect the physical and mental health of an individual.

By assessing each of these points, and addressing any issues which may come up within these categories, we can then start to move towards identifying and repairing anything that may be preventing us from living happier and healthier lives as individuals, and as a team.

The ‘7 Pillars of Wellbeing’

According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) the 7 pillars of wellbeing are as follows:

  1. Health. e.g physical health, safety and mental health.
  2. Good work e.g. manageable work demands, good line management, inclusive culture.
  3. Values and Principles. e.g a clear mission, ethical standards, diversity and inclusion.
  4. Collective and Social. e.g positive relationships, employee voice.
  5. Personal Growth. e.g creativity, career development, emotional, lifelong learning.
  6. Good lifestyle choices. e.g physical activity and healthy eating.
  7. Financial wellbeing e.g fair pay and benefits policies, retirement planning, and employee financial support.

How do we implement the ‘7 Pillars of Wellbeing’?

A key first step in tackling workplace wellbeing involves thoroughly understanding your current business practices and their influence on your team’s physiological and psychological health.

At Harrier, we often encourage businesses and event organisers to prioritise and support the mental health of their workforce. Not only do these conversations help equip companies with the right knowledge and information to bolster the wellbeing of their team, but they also help these companies know how to look for common pitfalls and gaps within their business so they can be avoided and addressed.

It’s vital to have a solid understanding of how you’re operating as a whole, as this will highlight the first few steps required to create a solid action needed for creating a healthier working environment.

These steps could look like:

  • Allowing your employees to express their wellbeing needs or concerns, through a focus group.
  • Creating a survey for your team that will highlight blindspots within the company and areas of potential growth.
  • Reviewing your current workplace wellbeing policy to search for any points that need updating

It’s also important to acknowledge that elements outside of the workplace – such as financial, health or relationship issues – can also have a negative impact on the wellbeing of your team. Although these issues may lie outside the direct control of your company, a responsible employer should strive to provide support during challenging life circumstances.

Helping businesses care for the wellbeing of their employees and customers is a key part of what we do at Harrier. If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, get in touch with our friendly team here!